Wanna see stuff i've made in the past to get a taste of my experience? Tap Showreel, the others explain themselves.

About Mike
Interested in knowing more about me before you throw money at my ugly mug, or got lost here but still intrigued?
Then you've come to the right place, i'm gonna write a few things so you'll get to know me better!
Let's start of with the basics that you'd even discuss with your dentist, i was born on the 4th of september in the year 2004; so you can calculate how old i am. (Totally didn't do it this way so the page doesn't need updating after aging)
What kind of class i'm following right now? A general-media class, so i basicly learn all about everything media. Video, photo, special effects, text, websites, blender, all the good stuff! This, combined with my experience with it since, the biggest part of my life basicly; makes that i really like making media stuff and learning more of it!
My current channel has been around since 2016, but i've had ALOT of channels before that; to which i sadly have no acces anymore. (I had so many channels because i was a lil' boy, on a samsung tablet, forgetting many passwords <3)
Aside from my main channel i've had many, many projects (many of which got discontinued) of which; i lead most of the time. By saying that you'll see that i also have experiencing in how the managing of a project goes about.
I'm as flexible (mood-wise) relaxed/laid back as it gets, stress usually isn't a thing. One of my catchphrases is ''Ehhhhhhhhhhh, it'll be fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- but in Dutchhhhhh''
More then half of every scentence in my personal dictionary will be a sarcastic joke, which then doesn't land and i have to explain it and i'm sad.
Hobbies, uhh well i'm an extrovert, i guess, so i like bein' a social been.
I obviously like creating media,
And i'm a tride and true GAMER. I will need someone to play it with, live stream it, or something (podcast) to listen to while gaming. Otherwise it just feels empty, boring, useless to me
I can't do JUST GAME, when i do the other stuff during gaming; it feels like i'm actually doing that ''extra'' stuff, whilst using gaming to give my fingers something to do.
Gaming is where i get alot of inspiration for my media, too. I'm a big Nintendo boi, i also own a PS3 and PS4 (With VR)
UNPOPULAR OPINION: I don't like normal music! I- i just. No. If i listen to music, it's bound to be Nintendo Music; and usually when i need background noise, i just put on a Podcast. I prefer this so i actually hear something funny or informative whilst i do something, instead of the same song i've heard a thousand times. The only times that you'll see me listening to a ''normal song'' is when it's comedic to me in some way or something, probably.
Well, as you can see. I can write, alot, too much alot alot. So i won't bore you anymore.
In short, i'm a relaxed and social heppie boi. Which does Media stuff and is very odd.

Wanna see how i was raised, and became this way? Scroll down to compare you're childhood to mine!
Geïnteresseerd in meer over me te weten komen voor je je geld aan me verspild, of gewoon verdwaald?
''Ahjooohhh, kompwelgoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee''
Het is duidelijk dat ik media maken leuk vind, hoop ik.
Samengevat ben ik een relaxed sociaal jochie. Die dingen in de Media doet en een beetje gaar is.